The JP UP Date: JP Inducts 25 Individuals into 25th Anniversary Hall of Fame

Katie ArnoldThe JP UP date

Number 203                      December 30, 2022                                   St. Louis



JP Inducts 25 Individuals into 25th Anniversary Hall of Fame

As 2022 comes to a close, Justine PETERSEN recognizes 25 individuals who made significant and transformational contributions to our mission’s 25 year trajectory. The distinguished list includes individuals both near and far who have teamed with JP to catapult our collective mission in ways equally innovative, trailblazing and just.

Justine PETERSEN is most proud to induct the following into our 25th Anniversary Hall of Fame (in alphabetical order):

Joe Ambrose                             Nesa Joseph
Rochelle Bea                             Dan Letendre
Maureen Brinkley                    Eric Madkins
Eddie Davis                               Janice Perkins
Don Doherty                             Sandra Reilly
Elaine Edgecomb                     Chris Reichert
Connie Evans                            Mark Schulte
Peggy Francis                            Tony Smith
Vikki Frank                                Richard Torack
Janese Henry                             Keith Willy
Tom Hough                                Michelle & Frederick Wright
Allan Ivie                                    Mark Zavaglia

Happy Retirement, Linda Clark!

It’s not only the end of a calendar year, but also the close of an illustrious career in nonprofit community development finance for JP’s Linda Clark. Serving as JP’s controller for nearly the last nine years, Linda has “done the math” on a daily basis with her penchant for personal interaction and omnipresent dry wit. Prior to joining JP, Linda did the books for the Emerson Park Community Development Corp. in East St. Louis, an early JP partner in Metro East.

Thank you Linda for your dedicated service and for always being YOU!

We wish you Godspeed and may your retirement be filled with quality time with your family, dog and a bottle of beer every now and again.

2022 in Pictures!