Paycheck Protection Program

Overview of the Program

Justine PETERSEN is proud to have supported so many clients as part of the Paycheck Protection Loan Program. This page is intended to support clients as loans begin to be forgiven.

While initially created by the CARES Act passed by the Federal Government on March 27th, 2020, the program was updated by the Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Law passed on Friday, June 5th 2020. As of writing this, there is some expectation that the program will see additional changes during a potential future Federal Relief Package, however, it is uncertain when or if this will occur. The primary extent of these changes would impact the forgiveness process in order to simplify the process for borrowers with loans under $150,000. 

Because of this uncertainty, the guidance on this page is based on the most up-to-date current information provided by the SBA and Federal Register. It will be updated as legislation and SBA decisionmaking occurs.


Sample Timelines:

Justine PETERSEN's Process

The Forgiveness Process for Borrowers currently involves the submission of documentation for forgivable expenses followed by the completion of one of three forms either the 3508EZ, 3508S or the 3508. It is likely that any further PPP legislation will create additional forms. For this reason, we have created a digital form allowing clients to enter their forgivable expenses and upload documentation. After review, Justine PETERSEN staff will resubmit the form to you the client for electronic signature of either the 3508EZ or 3508.

If you have not received an email with a link to a form for your loan, please reach out at This email should also be used for any questions on completing the form.

Clients are also welcome to submit documented forgivable expenses by email to Our staff will them update your digital record.

As of writing (10/8/20), the SBA has only recently begun to accept or deny PPP Forgiveness Applications after initially opening the portal in August of 2020. After Justine PETERSEN staff have obtained all requisite documentation and signatures required, our staff will unlock the application signature page. Once signed, we will submit to the SBA.

Forgiveness Applications

As described above, the SBA has provided a growing number of formats and requirements for forgiveness applications. The Digital Form allows you to answer only the questions required for the simplest form that you qualify for.

Currently, all Forgiveness templates require that the lender receive and retain documents supporting the forgiveness amount. More information about this can be found in the FAQ below. Justine PETERSEN cannot submit the application to the SBA until documentation of expenses has been submitted. 

We have provided a quick summary of the different forms below in case you chose to complete the application on your own. The Forms are listed in order of when they were announced:



Frequently Asked Questions