JP Update: Celebrating Black Business Month With a POP!

Andrew BarnesThe JP UP date

Number 288                     August 23, 2024                            St. Louis

Black Business Month Feature: Pop Pop Hurray! Redefining Gourmet Popcorn in St. Louis

Pictured: Tony Davis CEO and Founder of Pop Pop Hurray!

As we celebrate Black Business Month, it’s a perfect time to shine a spotlight on Pop Pop Hurray!, an innovative gourmet popcorn business right here in the St. Louis area. Founded by Tony Davis, Pop Pop Hurray! is not just another popcorn shop—it’s an experience. With locations in Ferguson, MO, and St. Charles, MO, this independently owned Black business offers a unique twist on a beloved snack.

I have a confession to make: I am an avid popcorn eater. Popcorn is my go-to snack, whether I’m curled up with a good book or watching a movie or sports. The different flavors sometimes throw me off, but I always find myself coming back to a classic Chicago blend with its perfect mix of cheese and caramel. Of course, I can’t resist a good white chocolate drizzle either. Honestly, the list of popcorn flavors I enjoy goes on and on.

Recently, I was introduced to a new popcorn experience that changed everything: Pop Pop Hurray! This independently owned Black business in the St. Louis area brings unique flavors to the table—flavors that you wouldn’t typically expect on popcorn. Think sweet, spicy, and cheesy all in one bite. Their St. Louis Mix is a perfect example, combining a little sweetness, a hint of spice, and a lot of cheese. And for the truly adventurous, they even offer a banana pudding flavor!

But what truly sets Pop Pop Hurray! apart is its emphasis on customer creativity. In-store visitors are encouraged to mix and match flavors, creating their own unique popcorn combinations. This interactive element transforms a simple snack run into a fun and engaging experience, reminiscent of a whimsical journey through Willy Wonka’s factory, but with popcorn.

Their name, Pop Pop Hurray!, is a clever play on the 90’s hip-hop anthem “Hip-Hop Hooray” by Naughty by Nature, which, as Tony explains, is a celebration anthem. And celebrate you will, once you try their popcorn! One flavor I recently tried was Pina Colada. Now, that’s a flavor I usually associate with a tall glass filled with crushed ice, whipped cream, a cherry, and maybe a splash of dark rum, a beach, and maybe getting caught in the rain—not popcorn. But to my surprise, it was phenomenal! This just goes to show how amazing Pop Pop Hurray!’s creations are. They turn unexpected flavors into delicious gourmet popcorn experiences.

During Black Business Month, let’s support and celebrate innovative businesses like Pop Pop Hurray! that not only offer incredible products but also bring joy and creativity to our community. So, next time you’re in the St. Louis area or browsing for a unique treat online, make sure to give Pop Pop Hurray! a try—you won’t be disappointed.

Visit Pop Pop Hurray to see how you can order popcorn today!

Home Buying Success Story: Brittany Rivers’s Journey to Homeownership

Photographed from left to right: Nikki Wilson and Brittany Rivers

We are thrilled to celebrate Brittany Rivers, who recently closed on her very first home! With the rising costs of renting and the challenges of finding affordable housing, Brittany knew that buying a house was the best option for her family. She started her search back in March, determined to find the perfect place to call home.

Brittany’s journey to homeownership began at Justine PETERSEN, where she worked diligently with Nikki Wilson to build her credit. Despite her efforts, Brittany faced a significant hurdle: she could not find a bank willing to finance the necessary capital for her new home. However, Brittany did not give up. She returned to Nikki Wilson, who, like all of us at Justine PETERSEN, was committed to finding a solution.

Nikki connected Brittany with David Triggs from Realty 360 Group, a dedicated realty firm. With David’s expertise and the support of the Realty 360 team, Brittany’s search for a home and a suitable lender resumed with renewed vigor. They were able to find a beautiful house, and with the help of Kiara Johnson from First Integrity Bank, secured a lender that offered Brittany a great rate as a first-time homebuyer.

Reflecting on Brittany’s journey, Nikki Wilson shared her thoughts on what made this experience unique: “This time is different. It was absolutely wonderful to collaborate and have assistance on both sides—from the beginning, through the middle, and right to the final steps,” Nikki said. “It’s this kind of teamwork and commitment that makes the Justine PETERSEN Home Team truly special.”

Photographed from left to right: Nikki Wilson, Brittany Rivers and (far right) Kiara Johnson

Brittany not only found her dream home but also gained a trusted credit counselor who has supported her every step of the way—and will continue to do so in the future.

Congratulations, Brittany Rivers, on achieving your dream of homeownership! We are honored to have been a part of your journey and look forward to supporting you in the years to come.

Take Me Out To The Ball Game! JP Night at Busch Stadium

Photo Courtesy of Amy Jung of JP

What a beautiful night for Cardinals Baseball!
A slow game to start, but what a great finish! Thank you Nikki Wilson for organizing the event. Here are a few pictures of team comradery and enjoying a fun outing.

All Photos taken are courtesy of the JP Family!

Our Next Lunch & Learn is August 29th, 2024!

WBE Certification: What to Know Before You Apply!

Join Shawni Jackson, PhD, and Delilah Papke for “WBE Certification: What to Know Before You Apply!” Perfect for businesses 51% or more owned by women. Learn about #WBEcertification, #SupplierDiversity, and WBENC benefits. Discover criteria, documents, and if your business qualifies. Gain insights and avoid pitfalls. While not a guarantee, WBE certification provides a competitive edge with major corporations and government agencies. Don’t miss this chance to boost your business!

🚗 Drive Down Your Interest Rates with Our Drive Loan Program! 🚗

Do you have a car loan with an APR above 15%? You could qualify for our Drive Loan Program!

If you owe $20,000 or less, let us help you refinance to save money and reduce your monthly payments.

Take control of your finances today! Contact us to learn more about how we can help you drive into a better financial future.

3rd Annual Black Business Month Expo! Presented by Delmar Main Street

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Justine Petersen Housing and Reinvestment Corporation · 1023 N Grand Blvd · Saint Louis, MO 63106-1641 · USA