JP Update: Celebrating a New Chapter With Our Client 😃

Andrew BarnesThe JP UP date

Number 287                     August 16, 2024                            St. Louis

Ms. Mausharri Spann’s Journey to Homeownership with Justine PETERSEN

photographed from left to right: Mausharri Spann and Nikki Wilson

Ms. Mausharri Spann’s journey to homeownership is a testament to perseverance and the transformative impact of support from Justine PETERSEN. As a first-time homebuyer, Ms. Spann was determined to move beyond the cycle of renting and into a space she could truly call her own.

Tired of paying rent and frustrated by the lack of ownership in her name, Ms. Spann was eager to experience the financial and emotional benefits of homeownership. She recognized the significant difference between paying rent and a mortgage and was committed to making this important transition.

Initially, Ms. Spann received a voucher to buy a home, but it was limited to the St. Charles or St. Peters areas. Despite her efforts, she struggled to find a suitable property in these locations. Undeterred, Ms. Spann took a bold step and reached out to the mayor of St. Louis City, advocating the use of her voucher within the city limits.

Her persistence paid off. With unwavering determination and a refusal to accept “no” for an answer, Ms. Spann successfully expanded her search to the city limits of St. Louis. The support and guidance she received from Justine PETERSEN were crucial in navigating this challenging process. The team at Justine PETERSEN played a pivotal role in helping her to overcome the barriers she faced and in finding the right starter home.

Ms. Spann’s success story is a powerful reminder of the importance of resilience and support in achieving homeownership. She expressed her heartfelt gratitude to Justine PETERSEN, her lender, and her realtor for their instrumental roles in making her dream a reality. Her journey illustrates that with the right support and determination, even the most formidable obstacles can be overcome.

Ms. Spann’s experience is an inspiring example for others on their path to homeownership. Her message is clear: stay strong, remain persistent, and remember that with the right support, everything is possible.

Celebrating Black Business Month: DCizion

Elevating Hip-Hop Culture in St. Louis

Located in the vibrant Carr Square neighborhood of St. Louis, DCizion is a rapidly growing hip-hop clothing brand founded by Darryl Matthews. The brand represents more than just fashion; it embodies the spirit and resilience of its community. Given the opportunity to expand and make an impact on the community, and the city of St. Louis as a whole during the time of Covid, he wanted to pass his knowledge and talents in the art of dance on to the community by becoming a dance teacher. While this was his hope and desire, Covid hit the world, and like many other things, put his dream of teaching on the back burner.

The Catalyst for Growth

Darryl turned to another talent of his to make a statement. Justine PETERSEN, an organization renowned for empowering entrepreneurs, provided a crucial $10,000 loan to DCizion. This financial boost was not merely a sum of money; it was a catalyst for Darryl’s vision, transforming it from a dream into a tangible reality. The loan marked the beginning of a new chapter for DCizion, allowing the brand to scale up its operations and amplify its presence in the competitive market.

Expanding Marketing Services

Darryl focused on enhancing DCizion’s marketing capabilities. The funds were strategically allocated to several key areas that would bolster the brand’s reach and appeal. Investing in professional photo shoots allowed DCizion to create high-quality visual content, essential for captivating potential customers and standing out in the crowded digital landscape. Moreover, the funds facilitated the purchase of equipment necessary for printing bulk orders. This not only improved efficiency but also enabled the brand to meet growing demand without compromising on quality. The ability to produce larger quantities of their unique apparel quickly and efficiently positioned DCizion as a reliable and responsive player in the market.

Pilot Pop-Up Shops: Bringing DCizion to the Streets

One of the most innovative uses of the loan was the establishment of pilot pop-up shops. These temporary retail spaces allowed DCizion to engage directly with customers, gather real-time feedback, and build a loyal following. The pop-up shops were more than just points of sale; they were immersive experiences where customers could connect with the brand’s ethos and Darryl’s vision. By setting up various high-traffic locations around St. Louis, DCizion effectively increased its visibility and cemented its place in the local pop culture scene. The success of these pop-up shops demonstrated the brand’s potential to thrive in diverse environments and laid the groundwork for future expansions.

To learn more or to see more of his clothing check out his website DCizion.

Choice Neighborhood Microenterprise Microloan Workshop Was a Success!

This week marked a milestone for the Choice Neighborhood Microenterprise Microloan Workshop, and we are thrilled to share its success. Held at our Greencubator on the scenic St. Louis riverfront, the workshop offered invaluable first-hand information on small business loans featuring ZERO percent interest.

Franchot Cunningham’s engaging presentation inspired many attendees to apply for these unique microloans. Most applicants met the eligibility requirements and resided within the designated parameters, making them prime candidates for loan approval.

Our heartfelt thanks go to the dedicated staff members who made this event possible: LaTrisha Gandy, Barbara Ewing, Franchot Cunningham, Marcus Bolden, GiGi Raleigh, and Will Jordan. Their outstanding teamwork turned a vision into reality, supporting Downtown small business owners within the Preservation Square footprint. Together, we are fostering growth and innovation in our community.

Congratulations to All Three Winners of July’s Scavenger Hunt!

Thank you everyone for being a part of My Credit Compass! If you are not and you would like to be, please contact Cameron Stuhl, or talk to your loan counselor today to find out more.

OVP + SLDC KICKBACK This Saturday, August 17th!


St. Louis Development Corporation (SLDC) is joining forces with the City of St. Louis Office of Violence Prevention (OVP) to host a day of fun, food, music and activities for the community in the outdoor pavilion at the Northside Economic Empowerment Center (NEEC)!

3rd Annual Black Business Month Expo! Presented by Delmar Main Street

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Justine Petersen Housing and Reinvestment Corporation · 1023 N Grand Blvd · Saint Louis, MO 63106-1641 · USA