Number 229 June 30, 2023 St. Louis
JP Chief Partnerships Officer and Asset Building Manager Present at Lifecycle of a Client
Credit building and credit counseling organizations across the country met together June 7th – 9th for the 10th Annual Credit Builders Alliance (CBA) Symposium, which took place in Washington, D.C. This year’s theme was Bridging the Credit Gap, which looked to solicit discussion and address solutions regarding the broad question of how to make credit an accessible asset for all. Among the discussions was “Lifecycle of a Client” that Justine PETERSEN Asset Building Manager Tatiana Gillum (pictured right-most above) partnered with Prosperity Connection to present. The organizations, both based in St. Louis, walked through how they work in partnership and the benefits of it to each, and more importantly for their clients. What this often looks like is JP will intake clients and provide credit building sessions, inclusive of reviewing in detail their credit report. We will then look for the best lending product fit for them based on their needs. From there, JP will refer the client to Prosperity Connection who provides personalized budgeting and financial coaching. This can also look like Prosperity Connection intaking clients and referring them to JP for our lending products, such as DRIVE, in order to get the client out of a payday loan by refinancing them into a lower interest rate auto loan to optimize their monthly savings. By partnering in this way, both organizations make sure they are not mission creeping and overlapping on services, and instead streamlining the process in the interest of the client.
JP Chief Partnerships Officer Shawna Collier (pictured below) was also in attendance for the Symposium as a member of the CBA and CBA Fund Boards. Shawna also had the opportunity to give remarks to the crowd about the importance of building credit in order to achieve generational wealth.
United Way STL Highlights JP, Client Williams Academy
Justine PETERSEN is proud to have recently been featured as a partner agency in the United Way STL’s June 2023 newsletter. The piece centers around JP client, David Williams and Williams Academy, which he founded and opened the doors to in October 2022. Williams Academy is revolutionizing education in North St. Louis by providing S.T.E.A.M. focused curriculum through Montessori classes and after-school programs. We’re so proud of all that David and Williams Academy have already accomplished in the community, and look forward to seeing their continued successes!
JP Thanks Everyone for Coming Out to the Black Homeownership Caravan!
From everyone at Justine PETERSEN, we want to give a huge THANK YOU to all who showed up to rally around the importance of Black homeownership by coming out to the Black Homeownership Caravan last Saturday, June 24th! With high temperatures came even higher spirits, much in part to the Saint Boogie Brass Band who truly brought the soul by playing nonstop from the start of the route at the St. Louis Urban League Headquarters on N. Kingshighway, to the end at the #BlackWallStreet314 Festival in the Wellston Loop. A big shoutout as well to local personalities BJ the DJ who served as Grand Marshal, and “The King” Gary Boyd for their participation. The success of this year’s Caravan could not have come without the support of incredible partners and sponsors: Realtist of Metropolitan St. Louis, Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis, U.S. Bank, and Young Voices with Action. These photos that perfectly captured the energy of the day were taken by Kim Love.
Resources Available for Missouri Tenants
Mortgage Assistance for Illinois Homeowners
As a HUD certified counseling agency, Justine PETERSEN is here to support. We encourage anyone interested in learning more about mortgage assistance and the application process to contact us by emailing More information can also be found here.
JP Wishes You a Happy Fourth of July!
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Justine Petersen Housing and Reinvestment Corporation · 1023 N Grand Blvd · Saint Louis, MO 63106-1641 · USA