Ramiro Ramirez

Katie ArnoldSmall Business, Success Stories

The Growth Coach is a well-established award winning business coaching franchise. It is ranked the #1 Business Coaching Franchise by Entrepreneur Magazine. The company is engaged in the business coaching through a wide range of services. These services include Groups Coaching, Executive Coaching, Mid-Level Manager Coaching, and team coaching. It also offers specific programs such as Sales Mastery and DISC training. VelocityX, LLC is establishing the Growth Coach franchise in the Rio Grande, Valley of South Texas. Together they are well-positioned to market its product and service offering to a virtually untapped market. VelocityX is dedicated to providing the highest degree of representation, aggressive market penetration, and execution of a custom and detailed business plan.

VelocityX is located in Mission, TX. While most major business coaching companies are concentrated in major cities, the Rio Grande Valley is virtually an open market. VelocityX will establish the Growth Coach franchise as the first major business coaching franchise in the area. VelocityX is an LLC owned by Ramiro and Damaris Ramirez, husband and wife with 50%/50% ownership.