Number 132 August 20, 2021 St. Louis

National Black Business Month Spotlight: Heavenly Haven Home LLC
Sumari Thigpen is an entrepreneur with a mission. Established in St. Louis in 2020, Heavenly Haven Home LLC allows individuals with developmental disabilities to grow, thrive and actively participate in everyday community life. The
Heavenly Haven Home living model provides residential care services for persons diagnosed with intellectual and developmental disabilities and is based on the importance of enduring permanent relationships as the foundation for learning life skills and developing self-esteem.
Ms. Thigpen received a Grow with Google loan through Justine PETERSEN, enabling her to hire staff and have available working capital to advance the growth of her business.
CDC New Eviction Moratorium in place until October 3rd
This policy update is provided by Daniel Koslovsky of Justine PETERSEN
As a result of the increased spread of COVID-19, the CDC issued a new eviction moratorium on Tuesday, August 3rd to temporarily halt evictions in counties where COVID-19 is spreading rapidly. All counties in orange or red in the map above, and approximately 80-90% of renters nationwide, currently qualify. The new order will remain in place until October 3rd. This order comes three days after the previous eviction moratorium expired on July 31st. If you have already provided your landlord with a CDC declaration for your current residence under the previous moratorium, you do not need to take any additional action to be protected from eviction. If you have not filled out a CDC declaration and are facing eviction, you can do so by following the instructions provided by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) here. Additional resources and information on the new moratorium provided by the CFPB can also be found here.
Who Let the Dogs Out?!
Yes, it’s the waning dog days of summer here at the JP office. With our Covid-tailored staffing configuration, where staffers alternate days in the office, the JP office in St. Louis has literally “went to the dogs.” The dynamic dog duo (DDD anyone?) of Harvest and Harley are unleashed a few days a week, chasing wads of paper, bolting up and down the staircase and bringing joy to all.
Justine PETERSEN: Building Assets. Changing Lives. Barking Dogs.