Number 94 November 20, 2020 St. Louis
Citi Foundation Grants $500k to Justine PETERSEN as Part of National CDFI Support
Justine PETERSEN is one of 30 Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) that will receive $500k from the Citi Foundation to continue comprehensive support in serving small businesses owned by people of color and households most impacted by Covid-19. Collectively, CDFIs across the nation will receive $15M to support their efforts to provide small businesses with the vital resources needed to sustain their operations and support economically vulnerable households impacted by the pandemic. Justine PETERSEN was selected through an open Request for Proposals application process which stressed a strong track record of serving small businesses owned by people of color and underserved individuals and communities.
Megan Cron Celebrates 3 Year Work Anniversary at JP
How did Justine PETERSEN function for 20 years without Megan Cron? We don’t have the answer, but we do know we are built for the future having Megan on board. A pillar of our finance department, Megan, on a daily basis, juggles a multitude of requests from JP clients and staffers. Her middle name should be “Patience,” and if we bestowed her with a nickname, “Godsend” would be in the running.
And speaking of running, outside of JP, Megan rides her trusty horse Grayson on the weekends. The two combined tame the wild west of our current world. CONGRATS MEGAN!!!!!
3 Tips for Minimizing Debt and Buying a Home
Our partner at ABLE USA, Patrick Young, offers us yet another engaging article on home ownership. Patrick’s organization ABLE USA is committed to serving those with developmental disabilities. Patrick recently submitted an article to The JP UP date detailing how to modify a residence to serve those with developmental disabilities. In today’s article, Patrick focuses on the fundamental tenets of the home buying process, which of course, reference the services of Justine PETERSEN! Read Patrick’s full article here!
Thanks to Patrick for the submission and the greater partnership of serving those with developmental disabilities. Justine PETERSEN offers exclusive loan products for those with developmental disabilities, both the ABLE LIFE and ABLE BIZ loan programs are tailored to provide financing for both needs in everyday life and in small business. Contact Galen Gondolfi for more information at or 314.565.2223.
Pandemic Pet Pic (the “other” PPP)
Pictured are Madelyn Murphy: JP staffer, effervescent, focused and affable with Bruno: wildly cute, licker extraordinaire, all around super hunk. Do we really need any more exposition? No, but please indulge us. Bruno is a story with two happy endings. Originally adopted out from STL Stray Rescue six years ago as part of an adorable litter, Bruno made his way back to STL Stray Rescue when his family had to relocate. Behold Chapter 2! Bruno meets Madelyn and they live happily ever after. This is a story about second (if not third) chances, and guess what: this month STL Stray Rescue is offering FREE ADOPTIONS OF ALL ADULT ANIMALS, NO FEES!!!!!! PLEASE CONSIDER ADOPTING NOW! HERE’S THE LINK!