Number 93 November 13, 2020 St. Louis
Opportunity Finance Network (OFN) Annual Conference Recap
Opportunity Finance Network’s (OFN) annual conference this week featured an impressive agenda that probed the impact of Covid 19, while remaining focused on the central issues of financial inequality. OFN, the national trade association for community development financial institutions (CDFIs), held this year’s conference in a virtual format, allowing greater access to its engaging program content. Titled “Finance Justice,” the conference included panel presentations by JP staffers Tamra Thetford and Galen Gondolfi. Their sessions, “Credit Building Stepping Stones” and “Forbearance Assessment and Process Implementation” respectively, included CDFI peers from across the nation. OFN President and CEO Lisa Mensah recognized in a plenary session Justine PETERSEN’s participation in a conference call with U.S. House Representative Maxine Waters, and the in memoriam video included a tribute to the late Danyel Pitts of Justine PETERSEN.
Cait Baker Promoted to Quality Improvement Manager at JP
Cait Baker has assumed a new title and new duties at Justine PETERSEN. Previously an Asset Building Counselor with a focus on Housing, Cait will now facilitate the various facets of the client experience at JP, ensuring that clients have a positive, people-centered experience from initial contact, to accessing products and services, to ultimately achieving their financial goals. Specifically, Cait will oversee program pipelines and related staffing needs, creating pathways for continual improvements in service delivery and outcomes. Cait will also coordinate our agency-wide internship program.
Pandemic Pet Pic (the “other” PPP)
Pets are a family affair, and in this particular case, JP staffer Maria Gomez is the proud Auntie of Bella, a 2 year-old Beagle mix with energy exponential to her age! Fond of bananas and strawberries, Bella is also an avid viewer of DOG TV. She is especially attracted to television content which includes ducks. Quack! Quack! Woof!