The JP UP Date: JP 2019 Annual Report Now Available

Katie ArnoldThe JP UP date

Number 79                            August 7, 2020                                   St. Louis

Justine PETERSEN’s 2019 Annual Report is Now Available Electronically as a “Flip-thru”


Justine PETERSEN’s 2019 annual report is now available!  Both print and electronic versions are available; check out the electronic flip-thru version here!

We recognized that our annual report for 2019 does not exist in a temporal vacuum.  That is, our effort in 2019 is now viewed from the dual pandemic lens of racial injustice and Covid-19.  To that end, our 2019 annual report showcases Black owned businesses that have continued to be resilient to the present day.  We did our best to convey a narrative that continues into 2020 and beyond.

In sum, Justine PETERSEN must heed the call to action, along with peer microfinance organizations and CDFIs (community development financial institutions,) to address the pandemic duality that poses the most formidable challenges to achieving a society where financial asset-building is within reach for all.


Please join us.

JP Now Administering Emergency Rental Assistance (ERA) Program for Illinois Housing Development Authority (IHDA)

Justine PETERSEN is now administering an Emergency Rental Assistance (ERA) program for those Illinois residents that have been impacted by Covid-19.  Grants are capped at $5,000 and funds are sent directly to landlords or property management firms.  Funds are limited and applications for ERA will be accepted August 10th through August 21st.  Only one application per household is allowed and an application is not a guarantee of assistance.  Beginning August 10th, please apply at  For questions, please contact Fredrica at or call 618.570.1865.

“Just Saying” Blog Revisited with Reprint of CRA Discussion with Josh Silver of NCRC

In the spirit of the Justine PETERSEN weekly blog of yesteryear, “Just Saying,” we are reprinting a very thoughtful, comprehensive, and compelling interview with Josh Silver, Senior Policy Advisor at NCRC (National Community Reinvestment Coalition), where he discuss the state of proposed changes for CRA (Community Reinvestment Act) by the Office of the Comptroller (OCC).  Josh is a seasoned practitioner in community development, and a vital staffer at NCRC, which Justine PETERSEN is a proud member.
Read Josh’s interview here.

Pandemic Pet Picture (the “other” PPP)

Justine PETERSEN COO Sheri Flanigan-Vazquez approaches any potential apocalypse with grace, poise – and chickens.  Practicing extreme social distancing from her log cabin in the agrarian Illinois prairie, Sheri and the chicken crew provide routine dietary and spiritual nourishment for “the Covid Age.”