The JP UP Date: Peoria, IL Effort Poised To Launch

Katie ArnoldThe JP UP date

Number 55                             February 21, 2020                                            St. Louis

Justine PETERSEN Poised to Launch Microloan Effort with City of Peoria and Peoria County

Justine PETERSEN is excited about the future of microlending and financial asset-building in both the City of Peoria and throughout Peoria County.  With financial support from both the City of Peoria and Peoria County, Justine PETERSEN will hire a full-time employee to provide “boots on the ground” service to both local residents and small businesses.  Building on JP’s demonstrated track record of serving the Peoria market, the addition of a full-time staffer will provide the opportunity for deployment of both small business loans and personal finance loans at an increased level of penetration.
Read more about the program at Peoria Public radio:

Gateway Neighborhood Fund Featured at STL Realtors Urban Affairs Forum

The St. Louis Realtors monthly Urban Affairs Forum recently featured a presentation highlighting the Gateway Neighborhood Fund.  Hosted at the Deaconess Foundation for Child Well-Being and titled “Redlining, Greenlining and the Gateway Neighborhood Fund,” panelists included Randen Click of Justine PETERSEN, Clayton Evans of Simmons Bank and Glenn Burleigh of the St. Louis Metropolitan Equal Housing and Opportunity Council.  Panelists described the characteristics of the local housing market that birthed the Gateway Neighborhood Fund, and also detailed the mechanics of the program, which seeks to address the appraisal gap at play in economically distressed neighborhoods within the City of St. Louis.

JP Offers Quarterly Financial Asset-Building Presentation at VA Hope Recovery Center

JP staffer Ben Feimer is omnipresent locally with his engaging presentations on the nuts and bolts of financial asset-building.  In partnership with the VA Hope Recovery Center, Ben offers quarterly presentations to vets with a history of substance abuse who seek gainful employment and who are interested in establishing a pathway for financial asset-building.  With an emphasis on personal credit score enhancement, Ben offers a comprehensive primer in financial asset-building strategies, products and services.

International Cuisine within Reach

Washington University practicum student Oluwabukola (Bukola) Apta not only provides JP with incredibly detailed analytical reports on our client services, but also the most delicious Nigerian delicacies! Thank YOU Bukola for bringing the gifts of Nigerian culture to the confines of our humble office.