The JP UP Date: Regions Bank Gifts $10k

Katie ArnoldThe JP UP date

Number 45                               December 13, 2019                                            St. Louis

Regions Bank Gifts Justine PETERSEN $10k

Truly embracing the spirit of the holiday season, longstanding JP supporter Regions Bank gifted our organization $10k to further advance our programs that promote financial asset-building to both individuals and small business owners.  Mike Hart, Eric Madkins and Ray Lowry of Regions Bank presented the check to Robert Boyle, Founder and CEO of Justine PETERSEN.

Regions Bank has assumed the role of a steadfast collaborator, most willing to engage with the community, and most serious about yielding tangible impact.  We applaud Regions Bank in their efforts, both rural and urban, to transform communities, and we look to the future with optimism, excitement and determination to promote financial asset-building throughout Missouri and Illinois.

JP Hosts Homeownership Readiness Lunch & Learn as Part of Ongoing Series

JP Housing Manager Randen Click led a recent Lunch & Learn dedicated to Homeownership Readiness.  The comprehensive program included a deep dive into such topics as affordability, the advantages of homeownership and down payment assistance.  Justine PETERSEN is a HUD-certified housing counseling agency, offering clients the opportunity to work with a housing counselor one-on-one.  JP has assisted nearly 5,000 individuals and families purchase homes throughout the St. Louis metropolitan area.  For more information on our housing counseling services, contact Randen Click at 314-533-2411 ext. 138 or email

JP/Great Rivers Community Capital Gifts Property to St. Clair County Greenspace Foundation

A property owned by JP’s CDFI (community development financial institution) Great Rivers Community Capital was recently gifted to the St. Clair Greenspace Foundation.  Margaret Meyer and Donna Dougherty of the Foundation recently visited the JP office to discuss the details of the transaction.  Founded in 1990, the non-profit land trust is dedicated to the preservation of forests, wetlands, prairies and other land suitable for land conservation in St. Clair County for the purposes of conservation, education and recreation.

Holiday Hoopla Unleashed at JP Staff Luncheon

Our annual staff White Elephant Gift Exchange was nothing less than a stampede of excitement, suspense and revenge!  Yes, JP staffers were both naughty and nice.  Gifts ranged from tube socks to a hard boiled egg.  Something for everyone!