Tendai Robin Morris, aka The Hair Whisperer, is the President and CEO of Healthy Hair Solutions. The St. Louis Native and Justine PETERSEN client is using her micro-enterprise loan from JP to grow her business. Currently, Tendai has 40 different hair care products that she is selling Nationwide via Amazon, Macy’s, and Healthy Hair Solutions. Recently, Tendai has also incorporated a sales force of 4 reps that are servicing Salons all over the St. Louis Metropolitan area. You can also find Healthy Hair Solutions at vendor events all over the United States. Tendai is excited to press forward in the new year adding yet another leg of the Healthy Hair Solutions brand called Texture Talk. This is a tour that will be an extension of what was started here in St. Louis in 2014.
Tendai is “very thankful for the funds that were provided by JP because it allowed me to manifest different parts of my business like trademarking and proper tax help.”