JP Closes on $1MM Loan with Regions Bank to Further Small Business Lending
Justine PETERSEN’s relationship with Regions Bank continues to grow and prosper. Most recently, Justine PETERSEN closed on a $1MM loan with Regions to further small business lending in various markets, including the St. Louis MSA (metropolitan statistical area), Metro East, Springfield, MO, Springfield, IL, Peoria, IL and Carbondale, IL. To date, Regions has lent JP a total of $2.5 MM for deployable small business lending. Our partnership is multi-faceted, including membership on our board of directors as well as various technical assistance offerings, such as participation in our Lunch N Learn series. We at Justine PETERSEN value our partnership with Regions and look forward to future opportunities.
Reliance Bank Commemorates CRA Committee Participants Prior to Simmons Bank Transition
Robert Boyle, Chief Executive Officer of Justine PETERSEN, has proudly served on Reliance Bank’s CRA (Community Reinvestment Act) Committee along with fellow community economic development service providers. This week marked the final committee meeting under the Reliance Bank moniker. Past guest speakers were invited, including Elisabeth Risch and Will Jordan of the St. Louis Equal Housing Opportunity Council (EHOC) and St. Louis Equal Housing and Community Reinvestment Alliance (SLEHCRA).
JP Staffers Get Air Time with iHeart Media Radio Personality BJ the DJ
Justine PETERSEN staffers Ben Feimer and Galen Gondolfi were interviewed this week by iHeart Media radio Personality “BJ the DJ”. The importance of building and rebuilding your personal credit score was discussed, along with how JP assists individuals in becoming bankable so that they may access mainstream financial products such as a home mortgage and a competitively priced auto loan. Ben and Galen are grateful to not only BJ the DJ for this opportunity, but also to Kevin Spraggins, Account Executive at iHeart Media, for “getting us on the air.” Thanks guys!
Listen to the full interview here
All in a Day’s Work
Riley Mallon, fondly referred to as “Chairman of the Board” around the JP office, shared some “quality time with the CEO,” Robert Boyle. As the photo evidences, Riley’s “Keep Smiling JP” initiative has been fully embraced culturally, in fact, from the top down!